The Idea of the National Church in Anglicanism; The Canadian Experience, The Challenges of Philosophical Ethical/Moral Relativism: A Christian Perspective, Servant Leadership and the Theological Exploration of Vocation: A Dialogical Relationship, Obedience: Lessons for the Roman Catholic Church from the Life and Work of Baron Friedrich von Hügel, Good Works and Salvation in the Loci Communes of Philip Melanchthon, Integral Christianity: A Theological Analysis of Ken Wilber’s Envisioned Future of Christianity, Navigating Through a Stipulated Freedom: Discovering a Guiding Biblical Compass for the Journey of Biotechnology, The Doctrine of the Trinity According to Karl Rahner, Mutarutherapy: Spirituality in Drums – A Phenomenological Case Study, Post-Eucharistic Participation: Answers from Santa Teresa de Ávila’s work, Exclamaciones (Soliloquies), ‘A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study’, Paths of Exile: Columbian Narrative and the Praxis of Iona, The Relationship of the Work of Discernment to the Exercise of Authority in the Life of the Benedictines and the Church of England, A Study of Theological Literacy in Listeners to Preaching, La resurrección como principio animador de una espiritualidad bautismal, The life of the Spirit in the Convergent Points of Psychology, Spirituality and Dreamwork, The Dynamic Quest for Openness, Freedom and Creativity Through Self-Transcendece: Psychology Meets Spirituality in Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" and John Macquarries Search for Full Humanity, "The Ratzinger Formula" A Catalyst for the Unfolding Dialogue Between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches on "Conciliarity and Primacy", The Theology of Singleness: A Basis for a Singles’ Ministry, Grace and Nature, A Dialogue Between God and Humanity, Christology of Karl Rahner and the Notion of Anonymous Christian, The Spiritual Path of Contemplative Love in Social Action: Teresa of Avila and The Interior Castle and Therese of Lisieux and Story of a Soul, Peregrine: Life as Pilgrimage, A view from Celtic Spirituality, Catholic Volunteers: Theology and Practice, with Special Reference to the 1997 Papal Instruction ‘Eclesiae De Mysterio’, Is Io Really God? Use it after a word or partial word to specify that the search should include all words that begin with those letters. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Igweze Igwe+eze King of the masses/people. This is a partial list of thesis titles of GTF graduates of academic doctoral programs (Ph.D. and Th.D.). AJAERO AND OTUSI. The Foundation lists doctoral theses completed and successfully defended by degree candidates in academic programs such as the Ph.D., Research Ph.D., Th.D. Asiegbu Asi+egbu Lies/allegations do not kill. The Graduate Theological Foundation (GTF) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational institution. We here at the Daily Stormer are opposed to violence. Visit our website for more information on our academic doctoral programs. Amputation presents multi-directional challenges. However, only one name is retained for later life. An Approach to Counseling Through Pastoral Psychology to Enable a low Self-Concept Individual to Become a High Self-Esteem Person, A Liberating Spirituality for Religious Educators, Emerging Adulthood and the Search for Meaning: A Franklian Perspective, The Agony and Ecstasy of Dying: Intervention of Caregivers, The Cosmological and Spiritual Perceptions of Suffering in African Culture, Examination of Factors Impeding Significant Reduction in Spousal Violence in Southeastern Nigeria: Pastoral Psychology Approach, Jesus, Logotherapy & Igbo Worldview: Search for Meaning, The Ministry of the Shepherd and the Church in Africa (A Cognitive Insight into the Pastoral Priorities of the Priest), Conflict and Dispute Resolution: The Case for Igbo Culture of Nigeria, Alleviating the Traumatic Effects of Death and the Consequent Grief for the Bereaved through Communal Support and Rituals (the Igbo-African Perspective), Analisis del desarollo de las vocaciones sacerdotales en Colombia y sus motivaciones prevalentes, The Fundamentals of Counseling in Micronesia: A Working Model for the Certification of Indigenous Counselors in the Pacific Basin, Religiosity in the Recovery of Alcohol Counselors, A Return to the Transcendent: Rediscovering an Essential Element in Formulating a Psychology of Human Development Within Systems Theory, The Impact of the Asclepius Cult on the Christian Healing Tradition, The Relationship of Religion, Religious Symbolism and Religious Professionals to Dissociative Identity Disorder with Implications for Treatment, Leadership: A New Pardigm for Today's Pastor, Child Abuse Resiliency and Faith: The Relationship Between Resilience, Spirituality and Religious Practice, The Journey Inwards: Crafting the Christian Self Through Autobiography, Dreams and Visions, Cuando solo saber leer y escribir no es suficiente: Un analisis del impacto de la cruzada nacional de alfabetizacion de Nicaragua con relacion al bienester de la poblacion (en terminos de la situacion economica. Announcing the suspension of proceedings in the appeal by Chukwuemeka Ibezim regarding his dispute with Ifeanyi Ararume, Justice Mohammed Dattijo—who led a … + aka (hand) or it could be saa (to wash) + ka (greater than). ( Log Out /  Ezeogba Eze+ogba King of the clan/group. Kedu, Listening to Artists: A Source Book on the Creative Process, The Role of the Catholic Church in Mediation of Armed Conflicts in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Judging Mediation: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Mediation Programs in North Carolina from the Perspective of Select District Court Judges, The Arab Spring: Mediation and Peaceful Political Transition, Mediation and Igba-Ndu: An Igbo Concept of Conflict Transformation and Sustainable Peace, Pastoral Understanding and Application of the Sacrament of Healing: Anointing of the Sick, The Enneagram and Kabbalah: Reading Your Soul, Navigating between Cultures: Pastoral-psychological preparation of Nigerian priests on U.S. mission, Integrating the Personality Theories of Analytical Psychology into the Process of the Assessment of Suitability for Ecclesiastical Office in the Catholic Church in Nigeria, Zero Tolerance: The Fate of the Roman Catholic Clergy and Pastoral Care of the Accused, La percepción y la práctica de la santidad social en la región norte I y II en la iglesia metodista de Puerto Rico, Observed Level of Differentiation of Self, Boundary Flexibility and Triangulation Formations in Turkish Families Receiving Systemic Family Therapy, Education and Human Development: Factors Militating Against Education in Nigeria, Betwixt and Between – A Metaxological Theory of Culture for Praxis in the Anthropology of Religion, Teologi a Del Cuerpo y de la Sexualidad en las Catequesis de Juan Pablo II, The Impact of Pan-African Immigrants on the Christian Church in the United States of America, Transforming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder into Post Traumatic Growth: Through Viktor Frankl’s Meaning-Centered Counseling, Transcendence as a Source of Resilience in Coping with Depression, Modeling on Jesus of Nazareth as a Preacher: Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Strategies from Neuro-Linguistic Psychology for Becoming a More Effective Preacher, Caring for Those who Grieve: Practical Dimensions of the Role of Grief Ministry for Pastors and Other Caring Persons, The Effectiveness of a School Based Psychotherapy Program on Inner-City High School Students, Acceptance: Paths toward Healing and Wholeness through Vulnerability, Loss and Brokenness, Depression and Quality of Life among African American and Non-African American Women Breast Cancer Survivors in the United States, Robert Vachon, Humanist: A Journey Toward an Intercultural Way of Life, Community-based Resettlement: Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Asylees Rebuild their Lives with the Help of Congregations and Community, Justification and Feasibility for Incorporating Bioethics Education into USA Secondary Secular School Curriculums, Poet-Gardener: A Soul Care Model for Preaching, The Microeconomics of Church Ministry: Analyzing the Production Process of Churches in Various Contexts and Traditions, The Law of Attraction: From the Kingdom and Will of God to Quantum Physics and New Science, Lonergan’s General Empirical Method How We Come to Know: An Invitation to Teachers and Learners in the Classroom, Euthanasia as a Vision of Wellness: An Ethical Reshaping of the Dying and Death Process, The Psychological Importance of the Spiritual in the Recovery Process of the PTSD Vietnam Veteran, The Unheard Cry of the Igbo People: A Study of Meaning in Abraham Joshua Heschel, Clergy Health and Congregational Wellness: A Partnership for Wellbeing, Formation for the Fraternal Economy in the Capuchin-Franciscan Order: A Psychological Analysis, Corporate Chaplaincy in the 21st Century: Building Models of Collaboration for Organizational Transformation, The Lakota Heart: A Gift for Seven Generations, Discerning the Stages of Moral Development, Meaning-Centered and Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: Based on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy – Applicable across Clinical Settings, Soul Reintegration for Post Traumatic Growth: A Meaning-Centered Approach to Healing through Logotherapy Lived, The Psychology of Presbyter; The Context of the Presbyter; A Call to Spiritual Direction, Through a Prism: Looking through Fourteenth Century Women’s Devotional Writings to Reveal “The Cloud of Unknowing”, Organization Development in a Local Catholic Parish, Clergy – Laity Conflicts in Parish Settings in Igboland: Strategies towards Resolution and Management, Indigenous Integrative Phenomenology: Integrating Indigenous Epistemologies in Traditional Healing Research, The Laity as Agents of Reconciliation and Social Transformation in Africa: A Case Study on the Laity Council of Nigeria, Healing in the Pastoral Duties of Catholic Priests with Special Emphasis on their Eucharistic Healing Ministry.