Starting at age 50, everyone––meat-eaters and vegans alike––should be taking B12 supplements or eating B12-fortified foods. Women with low levels of vitamin B12 are three times more likely to have a child with birth defects. Vitamin B12 Requirement for Babies, Children and Pregnant/Lactating Women. J Nutr. However, the RDI of 2.4 mcg for people under 50 years of age is much harder to meet on a vegetarian or vegan diet (1). And this is not just a problem for plant-based pregnancies. Pediatr Radiol. Additionally, a large systematic review showed that B12 deficiency is associated with a higher risk of premature birth and low birth weight in newborns (12). Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Reply. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 26(8), 749-51. Here are the top 12…. At age 50, everyone, regardless of diet should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements but over age 65 only high-dose daily supplements may suffice. Pregnancy outcome following use of large doses of vitamin B6 in the first trimester. But I think they’re just saying the same thing. Arch Pediatr. Nutrients. Suggested dosages Adults under age 50. This article examines the evidence behind the recommended dosages for B12 for different people and uses. Sukumar N, Rafnsson SB, Kandala NB, Bhopal R, Yajnik CS, Saravanan P. Prevalence of vitamin B-12 insufficiency during pregnancy and its effect on offspring birth weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2015;122(5):623-33. People who have issues absorbing vitamin B12, such as those with Crohn’s disease or other gastrointestinal issues, may benefit from B12 injections, which bypass the need for absorption by the digestive tract (17). of cooked salmon provides 4.9 mcg of vitamin B12. In a large review, vitamin B12 supplements had no effect on depressive symptoms in the short term but may help prevent relapse over the long term (20). As the biological half-life of vitamin B12 in the plasma is about 6 days, you could take 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 once a week with the same health benefits. Researchers set out to find an adequate dose at that age, and it seems we need at least about 650 to 1,000 a day in most people, hence my 1,000-a-day recommendation after age 65. Your child's dose will depend on age, weight, diet, and other factors. Tap to unmute. The daily recommendations for vitamin B12 are as follows: Children 1 to 3 years old: 0.9mcg; Children 4 to 8 years old: 1.2mcg; Children 9 to 13 years old: 1.8mcg; Children over the age of 14: 2.4mcg; About one tablespoon of nutritional yeast could meet your child’s daily needs. For a super tasty, vitamin-packed gummy multivitamin, SmartyPants Kids Complete Vitamins are the way to go.They contain a wide variety of important nutrients, including omega-3s, vitamin D3, and vitamin B12, and kids want to take them because they taste great. Usual Pediatric Dose for B12 Nutritional Deficiency. If the deficiency is due to poor absorption, a monthly intramuscular injectable version of B12, at an appropriate dose decided by your child's doctor, would be beneficial. Researchers investigated three doses, and found that most didn’t normalize their MMA until after the 1,000 microgram dose. Source: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Concurrent Medications May Affect Vitamin B12 Injection Dosage. How Much B12 Do Kids Need? This level can be met through diet alone or with a prenatal vitamin (1). The following factors may put you at a higher risk of not getting enough vitamin B12 from diet alone (5, 6): If you’re at risk of deficiency, taking a supplement may help you meet your needs. As the biological half-life of vitamin B12 in the plasma is about 6 days, you could take 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 once a week with the same health benefits. Response of elevated methylmalonic acid to three dose levels of oral cobalamin in older adults. Data not available. There are no specific dosage recommendations for B12 supplements for mental performance or mood. J Health Popul Nutr. How long does it take to see an improvement from the Vitamin B12 protocol? Just expensive pee? Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Shrim, A., Boskovik, R., Maltepe, C., et al. Vitamin B12 supplements are usually given by injection at first. Then, depending on whether your B12 deficiency is related to your diet, you'll either require B12 tablets between meals or regular injections. Green R, Allen LH, Bjørke-monsen AL, et al. A method for delivering vitamin B12 to children with autism is through intramuscular injections. [ 3 ] Most vitamin B12 supplements contain a 500 mcg, 1,000 mcg, or even 5,000 mcg dosage per pill. A very large dose can cover the B12 requirement for several days. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything permitted here. Adults over age 50. Since B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, it’s generally considered safe, even at high doses.. No Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) has been established for B12, due to its low level of toxicity. [ 3 ] Most vitamin B12 supplements contain a 500 mcg, 1,000 mcg, or even 5,000 mcg dosage per pill. If the deficiency is due to poor absorption, a monthly intramuscular injectable version of B12, at an appropriate dose decided by your child's doctor, would be beneficial. Administration advice:-Avoid intravenous administration: almost all of the vitamin will be lost in the urine. “Children following plant-based diets might have a lower risk of developing obesity,” obviously are less exposed to drugs used in animal production, and have a favorable anti-inflammatory profile of cell-signaling factors. Different types of shellfish such as clams, mussels and crab also provide vitamin B12. Here are 9 impressive health benefits of vitamin B12, based on…. Eur J Clin Nutr. For people over 14, the RDI for vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg ( 1 ). For children, vitamin B12 sprays have proven to be effective, as especially small children can have difficulties swallowing capsules or tablets. The first three in this series, if you missed them, were: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here. The recommendations change to everyone taking a high daily dose of 1,000 mcg every day. Older adults, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, require higher doses. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in several of your body’s processes. 600 IU (15 mcg) 600 IU (15 mcg) While the above nutrients are some of the most commonly discussed, they aren’t the only ones kids need. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient that’s required for many crucial processes in your body. Milk and milk products such as yogurt and cheese are also sources of vitamin B12. However, there’s not a lot of evidence to support this theory. Smith AD, Warren MJ, Refsum H. Vitamin B. Adv Food Nutr Res. A systematic narrative review. Researchers had previously believed that vitamin B-12, when combined with folic acid (vitamin B-9) and vitamin B-6, might prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels by reducing the levels of an amino acid in the blood (homocysteine). 2017;3:17040. Depending on the active ingredient, 40 – 70 % of the dose is absorbed by the body, which can cover the B12 requirement for weeks or even months. 1997;27(2):155-8. Even 100 a … 2019;26(7):442-450. You must attribute the article to with a link back to our website in your republication. In 2016, two professional organizations, the U.S. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the German Nutrition Society, issued conflicting statements. Stages of life, lifestyle changes, diet and health conditions all impact the amount of vitamin B12 you need to avoid a deficiency. Data from this study indicate that oral vit‐B12 (1000 μg) for 4 months is effective, giving clinicians more choice, for treatment of children with nutritional vit‐B12 deficiency. The consequences of B12 deficiency and insufficiency can be devastating in infancy and childhood. Dr. Macfarlane AJ, Shi Y, Greene-finestone LS. Brain Health Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for the neurons in the brain. But over age 65, 50 a day may not do it. The recommendations change to everyone taking a high daily dose of 1,000 mcg every day. “Vitamin B-12 insufficiency during pregnancy is common even in nonvegetarian populations.” About a quarter of all pregnant women aren’t getting enough B12, and that number rises to nearly one in three by the third trimester. The daily recommendations for vitamin B12 are as follows: Children 1 to 3 years old: 0.9mcg; Children 4 to 8 years old: 1.2mcg; Children 9 to 13 years old: 1.8mcg; Children over the age of 14: 2.4mcg; About one tablespoon of nutritional yeast could meet your child’s daily needs. BACKGROUND: Folate and vitamin B-12 are important for growth. ... i want to know the normal range of Vit b12 of a child who suspected the features of Autism.. Liver Dose Adjustments. The product is delivered periodically through a compounding pharmacy. Optimal Vitamin B12 Dosage for Kids, Pregnancy, and Seniors. Over time, B12 deficiency can lead to complications like anemia, nerve damage, and fatigue. Methyl B12 injections activate biological pathways and produce the enzyme needed to help detoxify heavy metals and substances. Lövblad K, Ramelli G, Remonda L, Nirkko AC, Ozdoba C, Schroth G. Retardation of myelination due to dietary vitamin B12 deficiency: cranial MRI findings. 2005;165(10):1167-72. Vegan Nutrition for Mothers and Children: Practical Tools for Healthcare Providers. To vegan or not to vegan. Vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for your child's general health and immune system. Dialysis. Vitamin supplements containing vitamins A and C are recommended for babies and children aged 6 months to 5 years old, unless they're getting more than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day. Discover some vitamins for weight loss (and some minerals too)…. You may republish this material online or in print under our Creative Commons licence. Learn more…, Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in keeping you healthy. In the case of B12 injections, the route through the intestine (via intrinsic factor) is bypassed; the vitamin is injected directly into the muscle and thus directly into the blood stream. Infants up to 6 months old need 0.4 microgram per day, and those between 7 and 12 months... Sources of B-12. Because it’s relatively safe, no tolerable upper intake level (UL) has been set for vitamin B12. However, despite this high dose, lower levels were achieved in older children indicating the necessity of dosage adjustment in accordance with body weight. Children with digestive disorders need to have their vitamin B-12 supplement dosage determined by a doctor who is familiar with their medical condition. In this PubMed study of 47 children ages 1 month-17 years old, babies given 1000 micrograms of oral B12 had a positive response and showed increased serum levels of the vitamin after 2 weeks of supplementation! # Most physicians prescribe B12 injection dosage as: 1 mg per dose after every 2 daysX10 times. Am J Clin Nutr. Select the subscription method below that best fits your lifestyle. Animal studies suggest that vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with memory impairment. Data from this study indicate that oral vit‐B12 (1000 μg) for 4 months is effective, giving clinicians more choice, for treatment of children with nutritional vit‐B12 deficiency. 2014;32(2):367-71. Additionally, B12 deficiency in infants can lead to irritability, decreased appetite, and failure to thrive (14). The authors of a review of randomized controlled trials comparing oral with intramuscular vitamin B12 concluded that 2,000 mcg of oral vitamin B12 daily, followed by a decreased daily dose of 1,000 mcg and then 1,000 mcg weekly and finally, monthly might be as effective as intramuscular administration [26,27]. Pistollato F, Sumalla cano S, Elio I, Masias vergara M, Giampieri F, Battino M. Plant-Based and Plant-Rich Diet Patterns during Gestation: Beneficial Effects and Possible Shortcomings. Data not available. Data not available. However, one study suggests that doses up to 6 mcg of vitamin B12 per day may be appropriate for vegans (16). Vitamin B12 also plays a key role in reducing levels of an amino acid called homocysteine, high levels of which have been linked to chronic conditions like heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s (2). Please consider volunteering to help out on the site. A baby in the womb can be affected by B12 deficiency and so can a new born. Scott, J. M. (n.d.). For example, if you ate two eggs for breakfast (1.2 mcg of B12), 3 ounces (85 grams) of tuna for lunch (2.5 mcg of B12), and 3 ounces (85 grams) of beef for dinner (1.4 mcg of B12), you would consume more than double your daily B12 needs (1). However, you may want to take more or less, depending on your age, lifestyle, and specific situation. A doctor can test the vitamin B12 status of a person via a blood test. What about concerns about B12 and acne, bone fractures, and cancer? However, despite this high dose, lower levels were achieved in older children indicating the necessity of dosage adjustment in accordance with body weight. Nat Rev Dis Primers. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that plays many essential roles in your body. Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin B12. Though high doses of vitamin B12 supplements have been linked to rare side effects in certain populations, it’s generally safe, and there’s currently no recommended maximum amount for this vitamin. (MMA suppression is a measure of B12 sufficiency.) The U.S. Academy said that even strictly plant-based diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, whereas the German group echoed the French group, saying since you have to take B12, we can’t recommend a vegan diet for pregnant women, lactating women, infants, children, or adolescents. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by not getting enough of this vitamin through your diet, problems with absorbing it, or taking a medication that interferes with its absorption (4). Optimal dosing of vitamin B12 varies by age, lifestyle, and dietary needs. Pawlak R. To vegan or not to vegan when pregnant, lactating or feeding young children. Data not available. Renal Dose Adjustments. High-dose compared with low-dose vitamin B-12 supplement use is not associated with higher vitamin B-12 status in children, adolescents, and older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. Recommended Dietary Allowance. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. It’s commonly thought that taking vitamin B12 can boost your memory and mood. If you have any questions, please Contact Us. Medscape - Supplement dosing for riboflavin (vitamin B2), frequency-based adverse effects, comprehensive interactions, contraindications, pregnancy & lactation schedules, and cost information. 2016;103(5):1232-51. 2002;50(11):1789-95. Recommendations from the French-speaking Pediatric Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Nutrition Group (GFHGNP). “Overall, plant-based diets seem to confer protection to both mothers and newborns” by not only “reducing the risk of several pregnancy-related issues” but decreasing the risk of childhood disease. Other Comments. The dosage is pretty much standard for each child, though depending on the clinical response, we may change the frequency of the injections to maximize improvement or minimize annoying effects (below). Animal-based foods are the most reliable sources of vitamin B-12, since vegetarian sources … The National Institutes of Health recommend the following daily dosage of vitamin B12: Birth to 6 months: 0.4 micrograms; Infants 7–12 months: 0.5 micrograms; Children 1–3 years: 0.9 micrograms However, there’s currently no evidence that taking B12 supplements increases energy levels in people who are not deficient in this nutrient (3). However, despite this high dose, lower levels were achieved in older children indicating the necessity of dosage adjustment in accordance with body weight. Vitamin B-12 is also added to some foods and is available as an oral supplement. Due to this increased risk of poor absorption, the National Academy of Medicine recommends that adults over the age of 50 meet most of their vitamin B12 needs through supplements and fortified foods (1). Low maternal levels of this vitamin have been associated with birth defects in infants (11). Pregnant and breastfeeding women can just follow my 50 micrograms a day recommendation for nonpregnant adults, or 2,000 a week, though they suggest breaking up those doses into two halves to boost absorption. Brain Health Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for the neurons in the brain. Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that plays a critical role in your body. One review recommended that those with vitamin B12 deficiency take 1 mg of vitamin B12 daily for a month, followed by a maintenance dose of 125–250 mcg per day (18). To bookmark this site, press the Ctrl + D keys on your Windows keyboard, or Command + D for Mac. And they’re not alone. By subscribing, you will automatically receive the latest videos emailed to you or downloaded to your computer or portable device. 7. It is crucial to have your child tested if B12 deficiency is suspected. In some cases, doctors may recommend high doses — more than 1,000 micrograms (mcg) per day. Especially in America, for example, many doctors recommend taking 2000 μg per week: 1.5 μg + 2000/100 μg = 21.5 μg. Starting at age 50, everyone––meat-eaters and vegans alike––should be taking B12 supplements or eating B12-fortified foods. The RDI for vitamin B12 ranges from 2.4 mcg for adults to 2.8 mcg for breastfeeding women. This article…, If you’re trying to lose weight, you might want to add vitamins to your daily regimen. Share. Adv Nutr. Here are 9 signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. 6. Universal improvement of B12 status appears “to be a nutritional imperative with possibly profound beneficial effects,” particularly at the bookends of life—at old age and infancy. Therefore, the RDI for vitamin B12 during pregnancy is 2.6 mcg. Vitamin B deficiency. Yet, there’s currently no evidence that B12 supplements improve memory in humans who aren’t deficient (19). In some cases, doctors may recommend high doses — more than 1,000 micrograms (mcg) per day. The ideal dose of vitamin B12 varies based on your gender, age, and reasons for taking it. The general recommendation for adults is 2.4 mcg. For people over 14, the RDI for vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg (1). There are currently no government recommendations for B12 supplement dosages for vegetarians. But again, everyone on a plant-based diet has to get enough B12. Dialysis. Danger if you don’t take your B12 but “following a plant-[based] diet during pregnancy may be protective against the development of preeclampsia, pre-gravid obesity, and minimize the exposure to [DNA-damaging] agents.” It may also protect our newborns “from the onset of pediatric diseases, such as pediatric wheezing, diabetes, neural tube defects, orofacial clefts, and some pediatric tumors.” “Vegan pregnant women have a lower-than-average rate of cesarean section, less postpartum depression, and lower neonatal and maternal mortality, with no complications or negative outcomes that are higher than average.” In addition, a lower incidence of what used to be called toxemia, a potentially dangerous pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia. According to Dr. James Neubrander, the proponent of this method, children with autism benefit from vitamin B12 treatments. Additionally, high-dose administration of Vitamin B12 has been validated to stimulate the activity of the body’s TH1 suppressor T-Cells, which has been implicated as a problem in ASD individuals. Most people meet these needs through diet alone, but older adults, people on strict plant-based diets, and those with digestive disorders may benefit from supplements, though dosages vary based on individual needs. Renal Dose Adjustments. 1000 mcg intramuscularly is the flushing dose. But, insufficiency isn’t as bad as frank deficiency, which can manifest in cases like cerebral atrophy, meaning brain shrinkage, in a “Vitamin B12-deficient Infant of a Vegetarian Mother.” Thankfully, even severe brain atrophy can be substantially reversed with B12 supplementation, but better not to become deficient in the first place. Vitamin B12 deficiency in breastfed infants has been linked to developmental delay (13). Liver Dose Adjustments. A vitamin B-12 test measures the amount of B-12 in your blood. Vitamin B12 injections may lead to skin conditions, such as acne and dermatitis (rash) (21). It’s also added to some processed foods, such as cereal and nondairy milk. It can also help their body absorb iron. But for those over age 65, those guidelines go out the window. While most medicines are not affected by supplemental cyanocobalamin, there are fifteen medications that cause some level of interaction with a person’s vitamin B12 dosage. Even 100 a day doesn’t seem sufficient. Older people are more susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency. 0.5 to 3 mcg daily. Baroni L, Goggi S, Battaglino R, et al. Here are some recommendations for B12 dosages for specific circumstances. Research on the use of vitamin B-12 for specific activities and conditions shows: Heart and blood vessel disease. 2017;71(11):1259-1262. Usual Pediatric Dose for B12 Nutritional Deficiency. To subscribe, select the "Subscribe via E-Mail" button above. Or subscribe with your favorite app by using the address below: To subscribe, select the "Subscribe on iTunes" button above. To confuse the matter further, the American Academy of Pediatrics appeared to have it both ways; in one place repeating the U.S. Academy’s position, while in another place it stated that vegan diets should not be recommended for children. High Dose Vitamin B12. If you’re thinking about taking a multivitamin, but aren’t quite sure where to start, consider one of these seven multivitamins for women’s health. For most people, treatment resolves the problem. METHODS: We undertook a randomized, placebo controlled double-blind trial in 1000 North Indian children, 6 to 35 months of age, providing twice the recommended daily allowance of folic acid and/or vitamin B-12, or placebo, daily … I’ve explained the rationale for my recommendations to take vitamin B12 supplements once a week or once a day, or alternately eat sufficient daily B12-fortified foods. While relatively few younger adults are deficient in B12, up to 62% of adults over the age of 65 have less than optimal blood levels of this nutrient (8, 9). Additionally, vitamin B12 is important for energy production. Up Next. Instead they recommend a steady supply of B12 in moderate doses. Oral cyanocobalamin supplementation in older people with vitamin B12 deficiency: a dose-finding trial. Arch Intern Med. Lemale J, Mas E, Jung C, Bellaiche M, Tounian P. Vegan diet in children and adolescents. For these reasons, the RDI for this vitamin for breastfeeding women is higher than that for pregnant women — namely 2.8 mcg (1). You don’t have to worry about taking too much. Therefore, supplementing with B12 is not recommended for healthy people in this age group. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. The solution proposed by a group of French pediatricians is to recommend against raising vegan kids at all, since B12 supplementation is necessary. Most cases of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency can be easily treated with injections or tablets to replace the missing vitamins. Here are the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) for vitamin B12 daily dosage. Furthermore, extremely high blood levels of B12 in mothers was connected to a higher risk of autism in their children (23). However, vitamin B12 has been shown to cause rare side effects in some cases. Three oz. Top 12 Foods That Are High in Vitamin B12, 9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, 9 Health Benefits of Vitamin B12, Based on Science, Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin B-12 for Any Diet, 5 Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Your Metabolism and Promote Weight Loss, 10 of the Best Multivitamins for Women’s Health, gastrointestinal disorders, including Crohn’s disease and celiac disease, surgery on the digestive tract, such as weight loss surgery or bowel resection, specific genetic mutations, such as MTHFR, MTRR, and CBS, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Always follow directions on the medicine label about giving Vitamin B12 injection to a child. Data not available. It's one of eight B vitamins that help your body convert the food you eat into energy. 2018;11(1). High doses of B vitamins over 1,000 mcg have also been associated with complications in people with kidney disease (22). Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that plays essential roles in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA.Food sources of vitamin B-12 include poultry, meat, fish and dairy products. For pernicious anemia, you may have to use Vitamin B12 injection for the rest of your life. Recommended Vitamin B12 Dosage for Seniors. Because your body can store B12 for several years, serious B12 deficiency is rare, but up to 26% of the population may have a mild deficiency. Copy link. Vitamin B12 is found mostly in animal products, including meats, seafood, dairy products, and eggs. A recent study found that for seniors, a daily dose of 500 micrograms was efficient in reversing the signs of B12 deficiency. Dr. Udell on April 18, 2013 at 6:09 pm However, B12 supplements have been found to improve energy levels in those who are deficient in this nutrient (17). Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin B12. If any changes are made to the original text or video, you must indicate, reasonably, what has changed about the article or video. Higher doses of up to 1,000 mcg (1 mg) may be necessary for some (10). B12 deficiency affects all ages. It’s water-soluble and you’ll just end up with expensive pee. All rights reserved. But then you may be able to get the best of both worlds. It’s mainly found in animal products, and some people may be at risk of not getting enough from diet alone. That’s why there are reviews with titles like this: plant-based pregnancies: danger or panacea? Addition of vitamin B12 to folic acid supplements to optimize the prevention of spina bifida and other neural tube defects. The Best Type of Vitamin B12: Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin? Vegan-vegetarian diets in pregnancy: danger or panacea? But they just tested 25, 100, and 1,000. Other Comments. Watch later. As you age, your body naturally makes less stomach acid and intrinsic factor — both of which can affect the absorption of vitamin B12. It’s necessary for proper red blood cell production, DNA formation, nerve function, and metabolism (1). UL is considered the maximum amount of a substance that can be taken safely without side effects. Info. In general, experts recommend 2.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day for people over the age of 14. The recommended daily vitamin B12 dosage for infants, children and teens is as follows: Birth to 6 months: 0.4 micrograms Infants 7–12 months: 0.5 micrograms Children 1–3 years: 0.9 micrograms Children 4–8 years: 1.2 micrograms Children 9–13 years: 1.8 micrograms Teens 14–18 years: 2.4 micrograms Pregnant women have slightly higher vitamin B12 needs than the general population. 2014;144(6):915-20. Some naturopaths doubt whether this large weekly intake is really advisable. Vitamin B12 naturally occurs in many animal-based foods such as eggs, meat, poultry and fish. 2018;83:215-279. Okay, what about the other end of the life cycle? To subscribe, select the "Subscribe on Android" button above.