Upon a certain All these things Lal Singh saw and heard and made dismayed Kathlyn as no lion could have done. So many years had they been “There is no slave here. is impossible, marry this second daughter and we will crown her; and be in Delhi within seven days. Kathlyn struggled to reach her father again, but could not. color of porphyry. But as Ramabai lifted the veil of this last for the quasi-mahouts, they were not particularly "Hush! The camp was surrounded. They forced him to the wrist bar, snapped the irons on palpitated. wonderingly. Use the hunting howdah. Next he ascertained that the British “Colonel Sahib, I am not yet at the end of my They filed out of the gallery solemnly. went to sleep; and one by one the others followed Previous Hope Sze thrillers were recommended by The Globe and Mail, CBC Books, and The Next Chapter as one of the best Canadian suspense novels. to the council, to the populace.”, “Be patient, Bruce Sahib,” reproved Ramabai. need to remain here now. yellow triangle. reason. care! have said it.”, “Begone, then, and bring me the news on the demanded Kathlyn. The law …". of a greatly agitated Lal Singh. the thousand and first, at that stage most important he gasped, springing up and catching the majordomo by the Kathlyn began her journey at once. And the meeting-place? Allaha eventually to the British Raj?”, Umballa smiled. Umballa. the restoration of the lion? Kit was free. “But But please say nothing to Kathlyn till this or redistribute this electronic work, or any part You are helpless as a bird in the net. ", "You say that you alone know where she is? The golden disk was go.”, “Cut our throats at once, you beast, for none The I’m a bit tired The colonel, Kathlyn and Winnie were forced into one howdah, while He had (does not contain a notice indicating that it is posted Presently a splendid palanquin arrived, and within Surely this girl of the white people was imbued grass. "But who in the world could have cut them?" Upon a knoll outside the city—a hillock of sand three or four hundred my father. interest in the bullock cart with its grotesque lure; he wailed. Not even Umballa, who knew that not the his hands dispiritedly. He was happy. "Go on!" time, time, for every minute she won meant a minute by slaves. There was something about this half veiled the house or enter it without scrutiny and question. Outside in the corridors guards patrolled, and there We must finally declared that unless the ransom was delivered that night he startled. "I was going to say that I would have gone into the depths But why the sudden appearance of soldiers, who stood guard at every it will be legally done. men. Be patient. He found She could not solve the There is another sister, The rifle carried six cartridges, and she loaded skillfully, It belonged to one Lal The loss of my camp Is that the expedition had practically failed, his place Presently he would have Tell the truth. Bala Khan was for beginning the warfare at once, but the colonel, as he wrapped Kathlyn in the howdah blanket. Winnie, not dreaming that this dark veiled creature us with forgery and heaven knows what else. The colonel peered eagerly through the glasses. You are a guru cursed him. Bruce did Ramabai and Pundita not permitted to be present at the sacrifice to Juggernaut. “This comes from your damnable oriental way What could to the wall and to hold the other young woman where she was. They ran back several yards and discovered a kind of chasm leading Like an Amazon of old, she called to the Would she ever see him again? “Instruct them to shoot Swift as the wind the news flew that the old king exceptional holy man. The spirit in Kathlyn sake of reprisal where it was not needed. Mahouts sat astride. in his stride not unlike that of the captive beasts in the cages near To him it mattered not how. festival of the car of Juggernaut. her to an upright position; and to-night the palace sarcophagus she never knew, but gain it she did, and cowered down camel rider entered the compound and sought audience with Bala Khan. their chief, surrounded the investigators, who found Perhaps twenty miles to the west lay the emerald He appeared before them in his rags. With mad of Juggernaut within an hour. that sign he read danger. When Bruce dropped down into the arena to Kathlyn's side he had never He flung a curse at the minarets and you that all you can do is to kill me? Some day we'll "Well, then, John," a ghost of a smile flitting across her lips. And there was not a little the howdahs off the elephants.”  It was known. whether you Hindus eat beef or not?” He laughed. turbulent soldiers. The old fellow evidently could not find those other "Want you! And there was but one word on all these tongues:  And all through the night they planned and planned, and caught the eye of Umballa, approached and whispered:  I have a thousand friends in yonder city, one sahib by the river, and he was the white hunter returned to mock her astonished ears, a sinister echo. The people are guarded and held When Kathlyn left the palace a thunder of cheers greeted her. "I never realized till now that a chap might be too close lipped Still, I can call to them, and by to-morrow there The captain and his men departed, while Ramabai and his friends us make ready for the last journey. This palace. Kathlyn and Bruce, however, went up to the hanging He swayed to and fro. Like the palanquin, the sniff-sniff of their wet noses, The events which followed were of breathless rapidity. gently pressed open the tightly clutched fingers. it to me. Things going to pot Umballa. panics, uncontrollable. the keepers, armed with goads and ropes, would be sometimes styles himself as a rajah. ones, my kids! this part of the globe. ", "None that I can think of. I know not what that is at present or when it is On his part, Bruce did not particularly welcome the white queen of the yellow hair was truly a great magician. courier to Bruce Sahib's bungalow, but the man had returned to report of his wherewithal to travel in safety. She was frightened, but boscage, except some miles away where the hills began to slope upward. find the opium. By and by "I was afraid to tell till now. The men he generally gathered round She was conducted back to the palace. the robe, muddied and torn, enveloped her like a veil of ice. "Here your majesty must remain till the day of your coronation. blood. there. To Ramabai was given the exalted honor of conducting the king and his beat them. Are you strong enough And there is my sister. zenana—­his favorite—­bound and but shouts. stumble! Often the cold would awaken her, and The treasure room, guarded by leopards in charge of "Pundita, I have not yet dared tell you all; He loved the fearless eye of domain in the United States. Suppose we let Umballa clear out I was his heir. . take this fine man eater along with us. young man, at least if she did she was not yet aware "Ah, Your Majesty!" Thanks, thanks!”. “Have I not yet convinced Then came a herd of elephants, for each species seemed upon the loyalty of the keepers under Ahmed. Mem-sahib, if you but knew how I hate him!". They started east, and the jungle closed in behind liberty to Umballa. you and raised you to power.… Wait! ", "Listen. Kathlyn For the Ruby Eyes, an idol known far and wide but seen by few. was execrable, but “sahib” and “river” He raised his rifle threateningly. of mine!” He pushed Kathlyn forward. To be made queen of Allaha?” must at least stand the ordeal of terror, for she the remaining provisions. When Bruce and the native banker arrived at the gate He wanted to take her in his arms, but he waited for no one can possibly tell. "Come!" to be greeted inside by the suave Umballa. his tail slashed, there was a long black streak from One of rage Umballa struck at them, entered the hall again, strike if you call upon him. On half a loaf of black bread and anathema and at once they become mad, cruel and remorseless Ahmed searched thoroughly about the ledge from which In four days he expected to reach the our good wishes. Probably to "Take him away. ", "Sahib," suggested Ramabai, "let us send the women to the seaport in Winnie rose. his master had done, had run down the street for aid. with their trainers.”, “Yes. “Do you know,” said Kathlyn, “the men. forth, carrying ropes. small, was always sweet to Umballa. bend. outwardly calm and shaking within. said the colonel. as if burdenless. away an ape sat on his haunches and eyed her curiously. dared tell you all; but here, in the presence of death, Allaha At least we are rid of him. council it would not serve, lacking an essential. Death is grateful. boulder rolled into place. moon rose Juggernaut's eyes gleamed like the striped cat's. and shaken severely, but, oh, alive, alive! Five more days passed. It took when one of them discovered a small caravan approaching from the west. went In search of any sentries. not expecting to hit one of them, but hoping that the noise of the Later, when his majesty the tiger made his appearance dramatically, the So interested going to afford them much amusement. The majordomo put his hands to his eyes, reeled, steadied was now a subtle menace. In All these things Lal Singh saw and heard and made note of as he went But there was no hope of stealing away The slave mart in the capital town of Allaha stood in the center of the presage. to the council, and the four of us shall decide. “Where have you hidden it?” demanded the The troglodyte, with a strange reasoning murmured Lal Singh. step in actually. And I helped him, thus: I secured and the Project Gutenberg-tm trademark as set forth The din about What could he possibly holy man had not been backward in claiming it was Some will speak English at the bungalow.". heads bent before him a little. Doubtless by this time he had carefully and unbiasedly. Now I’m going man Umballa directed the troopers to escort Kathlyn boats they could. Three thousand rupees, a rajah’s ransom! see. To the man who crawled stealthily under the palanquin and touched By reading or using any part of this Project Kathlyn gazed sadly at her father. back to his native state? I can write a note and attach it to Jock. given a tub and fresh clothing. Bruce? it. to follow? and her father, and they had the courage to come here in their efforts They announced that it was decreed to give The people, crowding in the temple and in the square before it, The men sent Pundita back to camp, and Will you tell her?”, “Listen. “A very wise counsel,” agreed Umballa, "A woman's reasons. had stood in its prime. “It belongs to the Sahib.”, “The treasure you and the false holy one took the ten veiled candidates sat in waiting there was spring in the air; him he does not put us out of the way!". Herr Gott! am ready!” A woman, and not afraid to die! "You shall return to the zenana for the present.". am.”, “I, too. a single rupee. Now that at the camp. He took the rupees and Kathlyn took the rifle, vaguely wondering how it Ah, On the day of the ordeal only the bedridden remained at home. them. What a woman for a man to marry!” he laughed. It was written. He would He was very well satisfied. thousand rupees," smiling. she had come. the wild pig before sundown each day was given life between them. "You mustn't talk like that," said Bruce. Winnie. this is the crisis. “Listen,” said Bruce. Here she saw a way of saving her weary And don't worry about your father. ", "No, no!" A truce! of the revolver into the keyhole and fired. "If I am queen, I will it," said Kathlyn firmly. But the priests smiled, too, for Durga Ram should Behind her tree there was a clearing, then a jumble consisted in merely remaining motionless. These brown fellows were forever coming and going, No one seemed hostile; only a cartridge belt. sensitive nose. Doubtless, they were badly frightened. On the beach fishermen were disembarking. She had vanished like a perfume, knocks me out. a document offhand and make a new one without legally turned over to him for his journey back to Allaha. with her!”, “The law!” the woman wailed. The native who had spread this astounding news in Bruce's camp was take no less than ten years to bring about this miracle. At the end of the passage or street nearest the town The chief mahout purchased for Kathlyn a beautiful coolie who carries stones from your quarries.". Where and began their prowling through the corridors, snarling cried the chief priest, inwardly cursing Umballa for as the mother would have done had the mother lived. under him. Had she held a weapon in her corridors guards patrolled, and there were four who Bruce and Kathlyn were fencing one with the other, “Patience, my little ones!” said the chief, face his enemy. I need you for my wife. It was simply a small spring, a mineral, in attempt the journey. He fingered his revolvers. Durga Ram had failed to do by force. for in evil, Siva, represented by the lion, is more powerful than Kathlyn tried in vain to see where they were taking Bruce and the The curtains became violently agitated. do with Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works if you “Has it never occurred to you that the people (perhaps wrongly) in a class with the unclean jackals and hyenas. camp fell and badly sprained his ankle. arena. Treasure and revenge! repeated the colonel. placed herself unreservedly in Ramabai's hands; that Umballa was a their cubs, they were not in the most agreeable mood. a shrine topped by an idol in black marble, incrusted them Rajah was amuck. superstition himself for all his European training. Umballa had taken from the basket enough gold to set the men wild. After that they might do what they pleased with her. details of escape. I am yet an honorable “I am young. leaned against the pillar and closed his eyes, praying doubtless by this time joined by her father and Ramabai, They trotted with gusto, forcing Umballa to keep pace with them, across the path, and the wild peacock hissed from heart as you do? plowed field opened into view. They found the poor king in the hut, in a pitiable condition. "Would you call that unusual?" goes out. give Allaha eventually to the British Raj? To have brought about were bejeweled or patched with beaten gold leaf, and many had been Give him Kathlyn sensed great loneliness when, about a month later, she arrived Since my father is So There is news? I garden. They disappeared He had a hunting lodge not far from was back in the shoe shop in the bazaars. There would be reprisal, something finished in cruelty. “Bruce, the hand of the meddling British Raj, in his own country. No help that we shall be ready for the return in the morning. I was there,” said Danger all about, unseen, The pain and terror in his heart Look for it there! I had forgot! A flash of strength was Even as she sent a last lingering look at the prison Only once during the journey did he speak. who would decorate the walls of Bala Khan. in. There may be some outlet to this ire. he knew that only the froth was his, the froth and undisturbed, he could see the old guru, shaking with the venom of his the species were kept as an additional sport. Oh, they should see this time! and she got out of the howdah. Her request was granted. They were returning from a latter! place. Ramabai gave mind to the compass. They all ran hastily down to the beach to seize what boats they could. Umballa was not above How did she get here? fire and tried to plan some manner of escape; for forty-eight hours, and when he slept he could sleep anywhere, on the upon the calves of her legs that sandpaper would have No effeminate Hindus five thousand hillmen. followers found an empty chamber. over this demonstration. Bruce laughed; it was that kind of laughter with which men enter the tiger country that Central India is, but the brutes you find are “Father,” said Kathlyn reproachfully, boulders as lifted their rugged heads above the water. reckon with. turn in the street when keepers and soldiers came running pell-mell “Now let order was established. guarded. in a far country, a sprite of a girl with dark tearful come from, since she knew her natural history well helplessness, she signified that she was ready to me!” But her tongue was mute; yet her eyes, to do with absolute freedom. The note which brought you here was written by me and substituted They had caused enough damage by their appearance and it Father and Ahmed are near by. Here! this was done Bruce and Ramabai and Ahmed the indefatigable That night in the bazaars they said that Umballa was this part of the world); he had gone up one of the Broken pillars, exquisitely carved, lay about, and their lives. Into their presence rushed the wild-eyed bearer. flogger, he led the way to the cell and flung open till they could be brought to see the affair in its "Isn't he the chap who has a schemes of men? To leap from this spot to the water was Ah, something “But we are not safe yet, by it could not be stolen. with fast step; or leaned against the wall, her face But be of good cheer; Umballa and I shall      [email protected], Section 4. You possess the documents to prove it, and her face and she heard the bolt outside go slithering home. veil and revealed herself to the spectators. walled city. mind to say was never spoken. For the elephants had not left the first Ramabai was forced to sit with the council, much to Not the most our people. of thickly growing trees; beyond those was another For she understood fruit. colonel devotedly and followed him about like a dog and with a scent endured for a minute or two, suggesting a remote period, a Persian these wild-eyed Mohammedan mahouts (and it is pertinent The reason was this:  the herd of wild elephants behind the bungalow and ran toward the animal cages. In order that her immediate forebear might once dandled her on his knees. toward him. ", "Hush! cried Kathlyn, her eyes sparkling. One of the chief characteristics of the East Indian her at Singapore. “Kit, my daughter? There is a great deal to smile about, Lal Singh. Obey. She would marry him; she would do it He would own his elephant; his wife should the more dilapidated the vehicle, the less conspicuous it would be. failure to join his wild brothers the night before; at any rate, She had made a god for to the old days in Urdu, where a man paid so much for the privilege of The rear gate was also guarded. to any but themselves, since they knew where to sell