Once the male is ready, it will move in closer and attempt to lift the female up in order to transfer his sperm to her. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. Previous Product. Cobalt blue tarantulas live in the tropical forests of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The le… When you buy a tarantula from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee. However, their temperament and behavior make them quite dangerous for beginners, so they’re suggested only to experienced arachnid owners. They have greenish to blue-colored cephalothorax and cobalt-blue-colored legs. They will also love it for producing better and more efficient webs. This could take some time, but once the male manages to lift the female up, he will deposit his sperm, and the mating process is then over. Before attempting to breed them, make sure they are equal or at least close in size. As for their behavior, Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are known to be a burrowing species, which means they will likely need some deeper surface to make burrows. You can use bed-a-beast, peat moss or potting soil as a surface. Tarantula Morph: Cobalt Blue, Sex: Female, Maturity: Adult, Prey: Live Cricket, Price: $50, Seller: J & A reptiles, Last Updated: 01/08/21. Cobalt blue tarantulas inhabit the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia,[5] where they construct deep burrows, and generally only leave them to find food. Other Characteristic Features: During the first molt, male spiders develop their copulatory organ known as palpal bulb. Cobalt Blues are even famous for being too difficult and dangerous for beginner tarantula keepers. It was originally described as Haplopelma lividum. For all these reasons, they require some experience to be handled in the best manner, without any troubles. Don’t be worried if your tarantula is refusing to eat. The best way to take care of your Cobalt Blue Tarantula is to replicate their natural environment as much as possible. The Cobalt Blue tarantula is a medium size tarantula reaching sizes of 13 – 15cm. It gained notoriety from its incredible coloration. Loading your insects with vegetables before giving them to your tarantula is always a good idea. After the breeding is over, the female will carry the eggs inside of her and eventually you will see a large white egg sac carrying small tarantulas in the tank. You should definitely give them a shot! Cobalt Blue Tarantula females Haplopelma lividum. Due to rain forest natural habitat, they need great humidity at all times if in captivity as pets. Annie's Mac and Cheese is based in the Bay Area, but Annie is Formerly known as Grammostola aureostriata, Grammostola pulchripes or the Chaco golden knee tarantula is a popular beginner species. Cobalt Blue Tarantula do not like or need artificial light. Dark in appearance with pink "hairs" and yellow striping on their knees this remarkably stunning tarantula can grow quite large for a Grammostola, I have had specimens nearly 8 inches in legspan! 58. Cobalt Blue tarantulas are one of the most impressive tarantulas available in the pet trade. So if possible, try to give them as much live food as you can. [6] Bites from this species can result in severe muscle cramps and inflammation. They prefer slightly warmer temperatures and lots of water. Cyriopagopus lividus (Haplopelma Lividum) - Cobalt blue tarantula $ 98.00 – $ 135.00. Favorite Add to Tarantula (1955) Movie Poster (12x18 Heavyweight Art Print) PrintBerkeley. Apart from being very aggressive, they are also known to be very fast and flexible. With all that being said, let’s take a closer look at this very special and unique tarantula. It’s known to be one of the most beautiful and magnificent tarantulas out there because of it’s iridescent, electric blue color. 5 out of 5 stars (1,949) $ 15.50. Like most other tarantulas, Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are carnivores – they love to be fed small live food. SKU: cobaltbluetarantula Category: Invertebrates Tags: reptiles for sale, spiders, tarantulas for sale. Additionally, males gain a palpal bulb on the pedipalps and tibial apophyses (mating hooks). This should be a fairly easy task for him, provided that she doesn’t grab him beforehand. It’s known to be one of the most beautiful and magnificent tarantulas out there because of it’s iridescent, electric blue color. The Cyriopagopus lividus, formerly known as the Haploplema lividium, and commonly known as the Cobalt Blue Tarantula, was described by Smith in 1996. For arboreal species you need a taller tank and fill it 1/3 of the way up with substrate (at least 4 inches) then you add in the fake plants and hiding places and place the water bowl in a dugout where it will not be easily spilled. Tarantula crawling. More Info Add to Cart. Their bite is venomous, and that venom is mostly used to kill smaller prey. Cobalt Blue Tarantula $ 65.00. This will provide them with enough necessary vitamins to thrive. [4] The cobalt blue tarantula is a fossorial species and spends nearly all of its time in deep burrows of its own construction. Select Options. They are recommended for advanced owners who like the thrilling beauty and their aggressive nature. Females are known to be bluer than males, so if that’s your primary reason for getting one, make sure it’s a female. Don’t be too worried if you open up your tank and it tarantula seems to be missing, it’s probably hiding in its burrow. JohnSmith - 24 February, 2021. 7 x 7 x 11" Adult Tarantula Cage - Complete Arboreal Kit. Like most tarantulas, they don’t like to be bothered at all. The females grow to become slightly larger than the males. Included species are the Goliath Bird-eating, Cobalt Blue, Gooty sapphire, Mexican redknee, and many others. Cyriopagopus lividus (Cobalt Blue Tarantula) This highly sought after favorite in the hobby is absolutely stunning. The spider appears almost black at first glance, but is actually a bright blue color. Once they’re brought together in the same tank, Cobalt Blue Tarantulas will start to signal one another in an attempt to get noticed. They make webs, but most of the time keeps living in the burials they make. On top of that, feel free to decorate your tank and give them some stones, branches and hollow logs that they can use to climb and hide. Their legs are mostly iridescent blue with their bodies painted by light gray and sometimes brown colors. Make sure you have a small, shallow water dish that they can use – and try to refill it with fresh water every day. The cobalt blue tarantula is a medium size tarantula, being fast and defensive with potent venom. Aphonopelma madera - CB 1/2" - Madera Canyon Tarantula $60.00 $60.00 Aphonopelma seemanni - 3" Confirmed Female - Costa Rican Stripe Knee $100.00 $100.00 Sold out Aphonopelma seemanni - 3" - 4" - Costa Rican Stripe Knee ... Orphnaecus sp. You can spray the surface from time to time, but your tarantulas will get most of their water from food and water dish. [7], http://www.everything-cobalt-blue.com/cobalt-blue-tarantula.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cobalt_blue_tarantula&oldid=1006949445, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, In Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi, Thailand, This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 18:16. It needs special requirements that allow it to survive in a tropical rainforest climate. Cyriopagopus lividus (formerly Haplopelma lividum) is a feisty, gorgeous Old World species of tarantula native to parts of Southeast Asia. The cobalt blue tarantula (Haplopelma lividum) is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, a beautiful spider about five inches long (including the legs). It is noted for its iridescent blue legs and light gray prosoma and opisthosoma, the latter of which may contain darker gray chevrons. However, it shouldn’t be too hard. A green bottle blue tarantula is crawling on stone. I do not know how to tell distinguish weather it's a girl or boy. Here are some foods that you can use: Make sure these insects are gut-fed before feeding your tarantula. They do not like to eat dead animals as it doesn’t suit their predatory instinct. 0. Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are fast, bold movers, seemingly unafraid of anyone or anything. Touching and moving them will only stress them out and make them more aggressive. Haplopelma lividum. You can use some plants too if you want. This makes them a bit difficult to breed. The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is considered a “medium-sized” tarantula, which grow up to 5 inches (almost 13 cm) in leg-span length. The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a terrestrial animal that lives in deep burials that they make themselves and leave them only when in search for food. If your female is a lot larger than male, she will try to eat him post or even prior to mating. A glowing, bright blue tarantula is not something you will see every day. A female (left) and male (right) in courtship in captivity, A second-instar spiderling cobalt blue tarantula near burrow. The Cobalt Blue is a fossorial species, which means that it is adapted to life underground, and it spends nearly all of its time in deep burrows of its own construction. Cobalt Blue Tarantulas. The cobalt blue tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus) is a tarantula species (family Theraphosidae) native to Myanmar[1] and over the border into Thailand. Apart from rash, redness, and pain, you may experience severe cramps because of the venom in your bloodstream. They are known to fast from time to time, and they can survive up to a few months without eating any food whatsoever. The cobalt blue tarantula is a mainstay in the pet trade, despite being a fast and defensive tarantula with potent venom. Feeding on live crickets. We are forever hunting for the most nutritious, most... Every cat needs a loving home with a comfy cat litter box. Cyriopagopus lividus is a stunning medium-sized tarantula that has iridescent blue colouration with hints of grey on their prosoma and abdomen. You should feed your tarantula once or twice per week; this should be enough to keep her well fed. Just like us, our furry companions also need a little... All of us are conscientious about the food that enters our digestive system. The Cobalt blue tarantulas with the scientific name of Cyriopagopus lividus also called the Haplopelma lividum, are native to the Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Myanmar tropical rainforests. Male and females look identical until they hit maturity when males will get more of a brown colouration, while the females remain blue. You should provide them with the proper environment to burrow and spread their webs – this will keep their stress away, and they should be calmer in attitude. Keep the temperatures around 75-85°F, and humidity levels at around 75%. Like most Asian species of tarantula, the Cobalt Blue can be a VERY defensive tarantula. Cobalt Blue Tarantula - adults $ 69.99. It’s best to leave them alone and just observe their magnificence. They don’t require any lighting except normal room light. Size: Usually the spider is medium-sized and the legspan is more orless 5 in (13 dm) Color: Legs are blue with an iridescence touch, opisthososma and prosoma are gray with chevrons. After a few days, it should be cleansed away from your body. The internet is flooded with so many varieties that it’s... Cobalt Blue Tarantula: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Pumpkin Patch Tarantula: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Rabbit Snail: Lifespan, Characteristics, Care, Nutrition, & Breeding, Chili Rasbora: Lifespan, Behavior, Care, & Breeding. The cobalt blue tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus) is a tarantula species (family Theraphosidae) native to Myanmar and over the border into Thailand. We have some beautiful Cobalt Blue tarantulas for sale at incredibly low prices. On top of that, Cobalt Blues LOVE to spread their web everywhere. By. They are one of the most unique tarantulas from the old world, and they’re very popular as pets all around the world. This tarantula is an Old World fossorial tarantula endemic to Myanmar. Females are known to be slightly larger than males, and they also live longer. It inhabits the tropical rainforests of South East Asia, in both Burma and Thailand. You can separate them and return them to their original tanks after this. Females are known to live up to 20 years, while males live from 5 – 8 years. At this point, the male exhibits sexual dimorphism in the form of a light tan or bronze coloration and legginess. Cobalt Blue Tarantula Facts. A green bottle blue tarantula is crawling on stone. Upon contact, they may display aggressive behavior and try to bite you. Perhaps their most unique feature is their beautiful iridescent blue color. Don’t be surprised if your tank is covered with intense webbing from these remarkable creatures. [2] It was originally described as Haplopelma lividum. Free USPS ground shipping included in the price!Main photo - Complete arboreal shown with an adult f.. $99.00 . This will make them more peaceful and less stressed in the long run. ohkay so i have this cobalt blue tarantula (it's about 3 inches big) and i really want to know weather if it's a girl or boy. They will use these burrows to sleep, hide and stalk their prey. Cobalt Blue Tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus) is old world tarantula originating from Asia, native to areas of Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Out of stock. If you would like to receive a notification of when they come back in stock please enter your email below. Cobalt Blue is a medium sized tarantula, very temperamental and quick in its movement. As mentioned earlier, they are known to be very temperamental and aggressive creatures. In nature, they inhabit tropical rain forests of South East Asia and mostly stay on the ground, deep in their burrows. Their quickness gives them the ability to catch their prey quickly, however, it also means they are likely to escape if they’re not properly taken care of. As its common name implies, it is known for having beautiful blue iridescent legs. The Cobalt Blue tarantula earns its name due to the striking metallic blue coloration on its legs. This beautiful female Cobalt Blue Tarantula was coming out to feed and decided to show how aggressive she can be. Still, there is just something more… Cobalt Blue Tarantula $ 65.00. However, it does cause a few issues. Shop Carbon2Cobalt's unique assortment of Men's and Women's Clothes, jackets, sweaters, gifts, and effortlessly cool accessories How to Care for a Cobalt Blue Tarantula. A dog’s recreational activity shouldn’t just be about fetching and taking walks. Tarantula’s bite is not deadly for humans. Dealing with their webbing might be tricky sometimes, but it shouldn’t be too hard to navigate in that area. Out of stock. This spider is native to Myanmar and over the border into Thailand.This species belongs to the old world tarantula genus Cyriopagopus and the scientific name of this particular cobalt blue colored species is Cyriopagopus lividus. The tank should be minimum 5 gallons in size, ideally 10 gallons. These arachnids have a striking blue coloration that gives them a very distinct appearance. Caring for the Cobalt Blue Tarantula. Imported females approximately 5-6″ long. Cyriopagopus lividus (Haplopelma Lividum) – Cobalt blue tarantula $ 98.00 – $ 135.00. It is one of the most attractive and most aggressive species of tarantula. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced in this species with males turning brown at … The name of this tarantula is derived from its iridescent limbs which exude a cobalt blue hue. It is mainly known for it’s aggressive and moody behavior. We apologize for this inconvenience. The reason for this is because you will have to move them in order to get them to breed. As for the tank…. C.lividus are covered in black hair which can take some of their blue colours away, but under natural or specialised lighting, you get a perfect view of that fa… Most tarantulas don’t like to be handled, and Cobalt Blue Tarantula is no exception to that. 5 out of 5 stars (689) $ 17.50. However, if you do try, make sure you keep them on top of your palms, use slow and precise movements and don’t give them any reason to bite you. Under artificial lighting this tarantula can appear quite plain and dull, being clothed in black and gray hairs. Adult Female This item is out of stock and cannot be purchased at this time. They are strong hunters, swift and aggressive in attacking their prey. When touched, it will quickly take on its defensive stance, sticking its fangs out and waiting to strike the attacker. The cobalt blue tarantula is a stunning color spider that is native to the Thailand region. HELP! Cobalt Blue is known to be one of the most unique tarantulas when it comes to its behavior. The cobalt blue tarantula is a medium-sized tarantula with a leg span around 13  cm (5 in). 'Quezon Blue' – 1/2" - 3/4" - Quezon Blue Earth Tiger $40.00 $40.00 Pamphobeteus sp. It’s best to leave them alone and not try to handle them. Cobalt Blue Tarantula is medium sized, growing up to 5 inches in length (legspan). Cobalt Blue Tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus) is old world tarantula originating from Asia, native to areas of Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. The female eventually becomes larger than the male and lives years longer. i … These are fascinating arachnids, with some reaching mammoth sizes. With everything said, Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are one of the most amazing species to own if you have some experience in dealing with tarantulas. [3] Males and females look the same until the ultimate (final) molt of the males. Size: Clear: Cyriopagopus lividus (Haplopelma Lividum) - Cobalt blue tarantula … When you buy a tarantula from us, you automatically receive our guarantee of live arrival. Cobalt Blue Tarantula - C. Lividum - Handmade Pendant and Necklace - Spider GrayGhostCreations. Cobalt blue tarantula - Haplopelma lividum. Table of Contents. Cobalt Blue Tarantulas prefer to have a lot of space for burrowing, which means the surface should be soft and 3-5 inches deep. Next Product. Reason for this is because you will have to move them in order get... Possible, try to give them as much live food as you can separate them and them! Rash, redness, and that venom is mostly used to kill smaller prey ( legspan ) at 75. Invertebrates Tags: reptiles for sale, spiders, tarantulas for sale they will also love it producing. They don ’ t be too hard greenish to blue-colored cephalothorax and cobalt-blue-colored legs are equal or at least in... 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